Piece of API client class code.

UniFi Controller API client class

This PHP class is maintained by Art of WiFi and provides access to Ubiquiti’s UniFi Controller API, supporting versions 5.X.X, 6.X.X, 7.X.X, and 8.X.X, including version 8.1.127.

It is a standalone version of the class, which is also used in our API browser tool. Since its official release in September 2017, it has become the most popular API client for the UniFi controller platform with over 1050 GitHub and Packagist stars and more than 195000 downloads or clones.

The class can be installed manually or through composer and is available under the MIT license. It can be downloaded from GitHub here:

or through Packagist here:

Methods and functions supported

The class currently supports a growing number of functions/methods to GET, POST, POST, PUT, DELETE data through the UniFi Controller API.

A full, and exhaustive, list of methods is available here:

Technical questions related to the PHP API client are best submitted through the Issues section of the GitHub repo.